samedi 29 septembre 2007

INSIGNIFICANCE Suite - Stanley Myers & Hans Zimmer


13 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Is there a download link for Insignificance or O?

Looking forward to them, inasmuch as I've never heard either.



ChiefDundee a dit…

Yup! It's here:

"Insignificance" has been released as an LP in 1985 (cf.
"Story of O 1 & 2" have been released 10 years ago (see, but I haven't found this CD (yet).
Some cues from both movies are available on the bootleg "Follow your Dreams, vol.2"

Anonyme a dit…

Appreciate it!

Let me know if you need anything and I'll see if I have it.


ChiefDundee a dit…

Thanks! For example, I know there is a "League of their own" complete score somewhere out there, but I haven't found it so far...

Anonyme a dit…

Been looking for that for a long time too!

An interesting site to check out is the Final Fantasy Shrine. There's a section on Trailer Music and a lot of Zimmer and Media Venture fans seem to hang out there.

I've picked up some odd bits and pieces there over the years.


ChiefDundee a dit…

I didn't know the site. Goin' to check that right now!

Anonyme a dit…

League of their Own Recording Sessions any use to you?


ChiefDundee a dit…

oooh, I guess I could find something to do with it... 8)

A thousand thanks!

ChiefDundee a dit…

I found alternate covers for "A League of their own":

chojin a dit…

Le lien a ligue.... de megaupload ne merche plus


ChiefDundee a dit…

Je vais bientôt le remettre avec quelques bonus... héhéhé...

Anonyme a dit…

Hi ChiefDundee do you have access to any other of Stanley Myer's music, I recall in teh last 80's a best of collection.

ChiefDundee a dit…

I've got a few things composed by Stanley Myers. I might post them in the future.

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