mardi 8 septembre 2009


10 commentaires:

whiteorc a dit…

Hej Chief,
great - many thanks

theodred27 a dit…

je suis tomber sur ton blog et j ai vu que tu as fait un boulot formidable avec toutes ces soundtrack.
bien que j ai tout ce que je souhaite , je cherche deseperement la bande originale de dennis the menace de jerry goldsmith.
Ainsi j aimerai savoir si tu la ou si tu connaitrai un moyen pour que je l ai.
en te remerciant d avance =)

ChiefDundee a dit…

Je vais voir ce que je peux faire :o)

SuperSpideyBat a dit…



ChiefDundee a dit…

Haha! Merci!

theodred27 a dit…

oh mon dieu , merci merci merci
ca fait des mois que je le cherchais.
Ils etait pourtant introuvable .
Merci mille fois =D

The Long Island Ripper a dit…

hey pal

noticed you're on my Google followers now on the new blog. thanks. can you do me a favor pal? can you update your banner that you have for my old site the inferno music crypt? as you know it's called the inferno music vault now. i'd appreciate it if you can update the link on that banner so that words gets out. thanks in advance man.

take care. and keep blogging! :D

ChiefDundee a dit…

It's done:
Best wishes for the new place!

Tellur a dit…

Speaking of links, some of the links at the bottom of the site point to sites which are no longer updated (for a year or so). You might want to remove such links.

ChiefDundee a dit…

I deleted the ones linking to closed sites. For the moment, I'll leave the others, even if they haven't been very much active... as long as they're not quite dead.
I should look for new blogs, but I don't have enough time :o(

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