1. Main Title (02:35)
2. Siege of the City (03:28)
3. Courtship and Mandrake (04:10)
4. Wagon Attack (02:39)
5. Martin and Agnes Love Theme (01:27)
6. Castle Invasion (02:05)
7. Night Fires (02:25)
8. The Box (05:13)
9. Water (The Undoing) (01:44)
10. Arnolfini Assault (05:52)
11. Denouement / End Titles (07:48)
12. The Box (edited version) (04:38)
13. St. Martin Leads the Way (02:00)
14. Driven From the City (01:16)
15. Cask and St. Martin (02:39)
16. Agnes' Wagon (01:47)
17. Assault on Agnes (03:49)
18. The Feast (01:52)
19. The Locket (00:52)
20. Out of the Well (02:43)
21. Denouement / End Title (alternate version) (07:23)
Total 68'22

19 commentaires:
hey, chief, here is legend by 2stpsfrmhll
Thanks a lot, Nash!
By any chance, do you have a "Nemesis Disc 2", as requested by Rob here in the comments ?
Hi Chief, i see u also a fan of trailer music =)
Here goes Rob's request:
hey, chief, yeah i have it, but some one has posted it, so enjoy, im looking for audio machine platinum series 2 and the 3 latest x ray dog albums?
Sais-tu où je pourrais trouver la soundtrack du film "El Cid" par Miklos Rozsa?
La musique est sortie en 3 CD réédités. C'est cette édition 2008 en 3CDs que je cherche: http://www.moviegrooves.com/shop/elcidsoundtrackmiklosrozsa.htm
Je te remercie d'avance!
Thanks for Nemesis Disc 2.
Another TSFH request, the complete album to Legend. It has 72 tracks spread over two discs. Disc one has the no choir versions and disc two has the choir version. I have yet to find this. Thanks in advance!
@ Toushiro-Taii: s'ils ne l'ont plus chez Movie Groove, El Cid est disponible chez l'excellent Screen Archives Entertainment.
@ Nash : Sorry, I didn't find anything about Audiomachine or X-Ray Dog's latests albums, so far.
King Kong
The rejected score from Peter Jackson's "King Kong" Composed by Howard Shore.
6 Tracks, Runtime around 12 Minutes - 320-Kbps
Bonjour Chief Dundee.
Je voulais savoir s'il existe un complete ou un expanded score (que j'attends toujours) de "Benjamin Gates et le livre des Secrets" qu'il y a énormément de musiques qui sont dans le film mais qui ne sont pas sur le médiocre CD que j'ai acheté dans le commerce ?
En vous remerciant,
@ Nash: Thanks! Do you think there is an expanded score by James Newton Howard out there somewhere?
@ Cinéguigui: Si ça existe, je ne l'ai pas encore trouvé. snif :(
cheif dundee, 1st i wanna say thanks for following my blog, as i am yours, but out of curiosity i saw you are lookin for a score to black sheep. is this the black sheep that had christopher farley and david spade in it? if so i can help you there ;)
Nope, it's from a New-Zealand horror movie. Thanks anyway!
thanks chief for this soundtrack, Basil Poleidouris is best, but not have this ost in mp3??
If you wish, you can decode the files with FLAC FRONTEND
Bonjour, Félicitation pour ce blog magnifique! je ne trouve pas le lien pour le score FLESH+BLOOD - Basil Poledouris est-il mort? un re-up est-il possible?(je ne connaisais pas cette version complète - 21 titres de chez PROMETHEUS RECORDS), merci cordialement, Laurent.
Voilà un nouveau lien: https://1fichier.com/?wead3gwmzm
un Grand merci! réponse rapide, super ;)
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