You could say this is not a soundtrack score, and you'd be right. However this was recorded for a 1995 movie.
If you like the interpretation, try to find it, it's one of the most beautiful films I've ever seen.
There's a bonus: I've edited excerpts from the movie on the one piece of music that's not in it (CD2 track 9). Beware, if you don't know the story, it contains spoilers.
01 Overture 3:01
02 Sorride Vostro Onore 3:28
03 Dovunque al mondo 4:03
04 Amore o grillo, dir non saprei 2:46
05 Ecco! Son giunte al sommo del pendio 3:18
06 Gran ventura 3:37
07 L’Imperial Commissario 3:05
08 Vieni, amor mio! 2:48
09 Ieri son salita tutta sola 1:49
10 Tutti zitti! 2:45
11 Ed eccoci in famiglia 3:16
12 Bimba, bimba, non piangere 2:01
13 Viene la sera 3:36
14 Bimba dagli occhi pieni di malìa 10:36
15 E Izaghi ed Izanami 7:02
16 Un bel dì, vedremo 4:14
01 C’è, Entrate 4:14
02 Yamadori, ancor 4:49
03 Ora a noi 3:06
04 Due cose potrei far 2:20
05 E questo?... E questo?6:33
06 Vespa! Rospo maledetto! 4:13
07 Scuoti quella fronda di ciliegio 10:11
08 Coro a bocca chiusa 3:03
09 Oh eh! Oh eh! 7:32
10 Già il sole 1:59
11 Chi sia? 2:52
12 Is so che alle sue pene 3:50
13 Addio, fiorito asil 1:40
14 Glielo dirai? 4:15
15 Vespa! Voglio che tu risponda 7:12
16 Tu? tu? tu? tu? tu? tu? tu? Piccoli Iddio 4:07

7 commentaires:
Salut, Chief Dundee,
I have landed here by a very good chance. At first glance I thought that your site would not be for me, but I was wrong!
Now I'm grasping your offer of Madama. Have truly loved the film.
Oh - Your links to 1/4 & 2/4 are one and the same! Should I download parts 3 and 4, or should I rather wait?
Many thanks for your quick response.
I'm still not used to it: I forgot that one can find out about my unadvertised "abri temporain", through my profile. I'm afraid I should have named it Temporary Pauper, as it has not so much of great general value for the moment.
Thank you, again. Rushing to watch Orfeo on TV (arte).
Still, there's good stuff in your shelter...
The following is NOT a complain !
I hate it when this happens! Each time, I seem to be (or I am) the first to notice it; and I must face the dilemma of either point it out -- and risk to being perceived as grumpy & a pain in the neck by the receiver -- or, keep to myself, and let perhaps some other poor soul to voice this remark. Forgive me ChiefDundee, but your reaction will make clear what I should do in such a case, if ever in the future... ;(
The not-so-important point:
Check your own CD back-cover: Track #14 should be "Bimba dagli occhi pieni di malìa" that has slipped your attention. Act II starts indeed with "E Izaghi ed Izanami", followed by "Un bel dì, vedremo", which then should be re-numbered as track Nos. 15 & 16 respectively.
I only noticed it because I'd been busy in creating three playlists (by act, rather than disc).
C'est tout, mon ami.
• Delete my mssg if you can, after reading it.
oops... I'll correct this.
"Errare humanum est"
(but I won't persevere)
I dood it:
Thanks. You're a fine sport.
[some Greeks do claim, though not in earnest, that "Humano erranum est"]
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