dimanche 7 août 2011



13 commentaires:

greg a dit…

Salut chef , mes felicitations pour tes suites.
Puis je esperer une suite de waterworld?

ChiefDundee a dit…

Oui, c'est pour bientôt :)

Pekingesejedi a dit…

Dear Chief, Your 'Dark Of The Moon' suite has been removbed from Mediafire. Can you please repost to new address? I'd really love to have it. Thank you, and your site rocks.

Machieste', the Pekingesejedi

ChiefDundee a dit…

Back online with a password: 3001

greg a dit…

Merci chef.

Pekingesejedi a dit…

Thank you, Chief. Ive been downloading gigs and gigs of stuff from your site for a couple of years now.Your suites are skillfully done.May I ask what software you use to create them? I never thought Id meet anyone who loved Hans Zimmer as much as I do. Greetings from Michigan, USA. Hail to the Chief.

ChiefDundee a dit…

I used something simple: Roxio Easy Media Creator.

Tony a dit…

Do you have any plans on releasing the Your Highness suites by Steve Jablonsky?

ChiefDundee a dit…

No, but I'll put it on my list :)

Pekingesejedi a dit…

Hey Chief.do you plan on mixing a suite from 'XMen:First Class' by Henry Jackman? That one would be sweet indeed. Thanks man.

ChiefDundee a dit…

I don't know when, but I will do it :)

Anto a dit…

Les liens magaupload sont bien évidemment morts. et rien dans l'index section.
Serait-ce possible de les reuploader?
merci d'avance

ChiefDundee a dit…

Je viens de mettre à jour les liens.
Merci de l'avoir signalé. Je pensais avoir remplacé tous les liens MU morts, mais apparemment non.

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