samedi 17 janvier 2009

INTO THE WEST Suite - Geoff Zanelli

6 commentaires:

ChiefDundee a dit…


Anonyme a dit…

Salut chief dundee
je voudrai savoir quel est ton logiciel que tu utilise pour faire tes suite

ChiefDundee a dit…

Il s'agit de Easy Media Creator 8 de Roxio.

Anonyme a dit…

Thanks for the website. This is great! Would you be able to find the score written by Gary Chang for Andersonville, James Horner for The Testament, and Alan Silvestri in The Bodyguard?


ChiefDundee a dit…

Here's Testament by James Horner : download courtesy of Joserael.
I might have The Bodyguard within a few days.
But I haven't found Andersonville.

ChiefDundee a dit…

The Bodyguard Complete Score is up:

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