dimanche 27 novembre 2022
dimanche 20 novembre 2022
dimanche 13 novembre 2022
dimanche 6 novembre 2022
THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST Original Motion Picture Soundtrack ~ Expanded 10th Anniversary Edition - John Debney
1. The Olive Garden**(§§) (4:17)
2. Satan Appears* (4:35)
3. Jesus Arrested(§)/Mary Awakens Afraid* (5:26)
4. Judas Sees Jesus Again*/Caiphas Walks to the Temple* (1:59)
5. Carpenter Flashback*/De Toolah de Tabla*(##) (2:17)
6. Peter Denies Jesus** (2:56)
7. Kids Taunt Judas*/Mary Hears Jesus*/Kids Chase Judas* (3:21)
8. Judas Hangs Himself*/Jesus Brought to Pilate*/Jesus Speaks Latin* (3:19)
9. Pilate’s Truth*/Uprising* (2:20)
10. Pilate Orders Scourging*/Flagellation**(§)/Dark Choir(¶)/Disciples(§) (8:52)
11. Mary Wipes Up Blood*/The Stoning(§)/Pilate Washes Hands* (4:51)
12. Vast World*(##)/Moment of Truth*(##)/Bearing the Cross**(#) (4:18)
13. Mary Goes to Jesus (2:47)
14. Song of Complaint** (traditional) (3:07)
15. Breath of the Spirit*(##) (contains material not in film) (1:32)
16. Peaceful but Primitive(§§)/Procession (3:28)
17. Simon Is Dismissed (2:25)
CD1 Total Time - 1:02:24
CD 2
1. Crucifixion**(¶¶) [film version]/Raising the Cross(#)/Gesmas Taunts Jesus*(§)/Raven Attacks Gesmas*(§§) (13:13)
2. It Is Done**(†) (4:09)
3. Jesus Is Carried Down(#) (4:36)
4. Resurrection(¶¶)/End Credits* (8:59)
Bonus Tracks
5. Peter Denies Jesus* (alternate) (2:57)
6. Peter Denies Jesus** (extended album version) (2:57)
7. Bearing the Cross**(#) (extended album version) (4:19)
8. Peaceful but Primitive(§§)/Procession (original ending) (3:30)
9. Crucifixion* (alternate) (10:37)
10. Resurrection**(¶¶) (alternate opening/album ending) (5:07)
11. Teaser Trailer Music* (1:03)
12. Promotional Trailer Music* (3:47)
13. Trailer Music* (2:09)
14. Resurrection Choir*(¶¶) (1:58)
CD2 Total Time - 1:09:51
2-CD Total Time - 2:12:15
* previously unreleased
** contains previously unreleased music
§ composed by John Debney and Shankar and Gingger
§§ composed by John Debney and Jack Lenz
¶ composed by John Debney, Jack Lenz, Shankar and Gingger
¶¶ composed by John Debney, Shankar and Gingger and Lisbeth Scott
# composed by John Debney and Lisbeth Scott
## composed by Jack Lenz
† composed by John Debney, Jack Lenz and Lisbeth Scott
Libellés :
15th Anniversary Collection,
John Debney,
samedi 5 novembre 2022
SAVING PRIVATE RYAN 20th Anniversary Limited Edition - John Williams
The 1998 Original Soundtrack
1. Hymn to the Fallen (6:10)
2 Revisiting Normandy (4:06)
3. Omaha Beach (9:15)
4. Finding Private Ryan (4:37)
5. Approaching the Enemy (4:31)
6. Defense Preparations (5:54)
7. Wade’s Death (4:30)
8. High School Teacher (11:03)
9. The Last Battle (7:57)
10. Hymn to the Fallen (Reprise) (6:10)
Additional Music
11. High School Teacher (Film Version) (4:31)
12. The Last Battle (Film Version) (8:02)
Total Time - 1:16:46
Libellés :
15th Anniversary Collection,
Award winner (Grammy)
vendredi 4 novembre 2022
THE THIN RED LINE Music from the Motion Picture ~ 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition - Hans Zimmer
1. Nature Montage (5:38)
2.Witt With Melanesians (2:54)
3. Witt In Brig / Tall And Quintard (8:27)
4. Staros Below Deck (1:58)
5. March Inland (8:21)
6. Staros Prays (2:23)
7. The Grass / Tall Calls Staros (3:27)
8. Keck’s Death (4:47)
9. Walsh Helps Tella (2:20)
10. Staros Refuses Order (8:11)
11. Bell’s Patrol (3:58)
12. Bell Goes Alone (3:31)
13. Welsh & Witt Talk (3:49)
14. Gaff’s Party Leaves (3:17)
15. Gaff’s Party Returns (2:04)
16. Attack On The Bivouac (Long Version) (11:03)
CD1 Total Time - 1:16:11
CD 2: The Film Score (Continued)
1. Staros Is Relieved (2:08)
2. Tall Does Nails (1:22)
3. Airfield – Bell Flashback (5:57)
4. Marty’s Letter (3:42)
5. Village Flashback (2:04)
6. Witt Travels (5:48)
7. Japanese Appear – Witt Chased (5:27)
8. Witt Killed (2:15)
9. Witt’s Funeral (5:17)
10. Cemetery (4:48)
11. End Credits (5:23)
12. Concerto For Beam (Extended Version) (6:09)
Written by John Powell, featuring Francesco Lupica
Total Score Time - 2:06:31
Additional Music
13. Keck’s Death (Alternate) (4:32)
14. Gaff’s Party Returns (Alternate) (2:05)
15. Attack On The Bivouac (Short Version) (8:05)
16. Staros Is Relieved (Alternate) (3:06)
17. Tall Does Nails (Alternate) (1:30)
18. Witt Travels (Alternate) (6:43)
Total Additional Music - 26:01
CD2 Total Time - 1:16:23
CD 3: The Original Soundtrack Album
1. The Coral Atoll (8:02)
2. The Lagoon (8:41)
3. Journey To The Line (9:17)
4. Light (7:21)
5. Beam (3:44)
Written by John Powell, featuring Francesco Lupica
6. Air (2:21)
7. Stone In My Heart (4:28)
8. The Village (5:53)
9. Silence (5:05)
10. God Yu Tekem Laef Blong Mi (1:58)
11. Sit Back And Relax (2:06)
Written and performed by Francesco Lupica
CD3 Total Time - 59:00
CD 4: Melanesian Choirs: The Blessed Islands – Chants From The Thin Red Line
1. Jisas Yu Holem Hand Blong Mi (1:23)
2. Soon My Lord (1:17)
3. God Yu Tekkem Laef Blong Mi (2:15)
4. Early Morning At Tabalia (0:29)
5. Procession Chant 1 (1:29)
6. Procession Chant 2 (Kustom Tune) (0:57)
7. Holly (1:43)
8. Procession Chant 3 (1:05)
9. We Love to Sing (3:41)
10. Mi Go Longway (2:53)
11. Jisas, Masta Mi Save (3:00)
12. Procession Chant 4 (0:38)
13. Together Be (2:28)
14. Sunday Service Hymn (1:45)
15. Halleluia!, Sing To Jesus (1:32)
16. Jesus, You Are Here (2:17)
17. Bybye (2:36)
18. We Are One Big Happy Family (2:32)
19. Traditional Lullaby (2:19)
20. Cho Cho Vancho (1:26)
21. Remember (0:57)
22. God All Mighty (1:56)
23. Jisas Yu Holem Hand Blong Mi (2:46)
24. Pray For Us (2:11)
25. Procession Chorus (3:19)
26. Kyrie (3:03)
CD4 Total 4 Time - 52:01
4-CD Total Time - 4:23:35
Libellés :
15th Anniversary Collection,
Hans Zimmer,
jeudi 3 novembre 2022
TITANIC Music from the Motion Picture ~ 20th Anniversary Edition - James Horner
CD 1: Score Presentation
1. Logo / Main Title (2:28)
2. 2 1/2 Miles Down (10:33)
3. To the Keldysh / Rose Revealed (1:43)
4. Distant Memories (2:24)
5. My Drawing / Relics & Treasures (1:52)
6. Southampton (4:00)
7. Leaving Port (3:27)
8. Take Her to Sea, Mr. Murdoch (4:31)
9. First Sighting / Rose’s Suicide Attempt (3:05)
10. Jack Saves Rose (1:42)
11. The Promenade / Butterfly Comb (2:40)
12. Rose (2:54)
13. The Portrait (1:58)
14. Lovejoy Chases Jack and Rose (2:24)
15. Lovemaking (2:26)
16. Hard to Starboard (Extended Version) (7:42)
17. Rose Frees Jack (2:41)
CD1 Total Time - 58:29
CD 2: Score Presentation (Continued)
1. A Building Panic (Film Version) (7:25)
2. Unable to Stay, Unwilling to Leave (3:56)
3. Trapped on “D” Deck (8:46)
4. Murdoch’s Suicide (0:37)
5. The Sinking (5:06)
6. Death of Titanic (8:25)
7. A Promise Kept (6:03)
8. A Life so Changed (2:14)
9. A Woman’s Heart Is a Deep Ocean of Secrets (1:43)
10. An Ocean of Memories (8:00)
11. Post (2:44)
CD2 Total Time - 54:59
CD 3: Additional Music and Alternates
1. Never an Absolution (3:06)
2. Trailer (4:12)
3. The Portrait [Album Version] (4:43)
4. Logo (Alternate Extended Version) (2:10)
5. 2 1/2 Miles Down (Alternate) (1:36)
6. Southampton (Alternate) (3:05)
7. Leaving Port (with Alternate Ending) (3:00)
8. Leaving Port (Alternate) (2:15)
9. Take Her to Sea, Mr. Murdoch (Alternate) (4:29)
10. Rose (Alternate) (2:58)
11. Piano Theme—The Portrait (5:00)
12. Lovejoy Chases Jack (Alternate) (1:55)
13. Hard to Starboard (Alternate) (6:50)
14. A Building Panic [Album Suite] (8:05)
15. Death of Titanic (Alternate) (8:29)
16. A Promise Kept (Alternate) (4:32)
17.Hymn to the Sea (6:26)
CD3 Total Time - 1:12:52
CD 4: Source Music
1. Valse Septembre* (3:43)
2. Marguerite Waltz* (2:34)
3. Wedding Dance* (2:30)
4. Poet and Peasant* (6:48)
5. Blue Danube* (6:55)
6. Song Without Words* (2:37)
7. Estudiantina* (3:11)
8. Oh, You Beautiful Doll† (2:12)
9. Blarney Pilgrims§ (2:11)
10. John Ryan’s Polka§ (2:53)
11. Kesh Jig§ (1:59)
12. Drowsy Maggie Dance§ (1:22)
13. Come Josephine in My Flying Machine† (1:46)
14. The Merry Widow† (1:30)
15. Méditation de Thaïs* (4:25)
16. Vision of Salome* (2:42)
17. Titsy Bitsy Girl* (1:35)
18. Alexander’s Ragtime Band* (2:28)
19. Sphinx* (3:48)
20. Barcarole* (3:31)
21. Orpheus* (8:40)
22. Song of Autumn* (3:53)
23. Nearer My God to Thee* (Extended Version) (3:14)
CD4 Total Time - 1:16:30
* performed by I Salonisti
§ performed by Gaelic Storm
† conducted by William Ross
4-CD Total Time - 4:22:50
mercredi 2 novembre 2022
STARGATE Original MGM Motion Picture Soundtrack ~ 25th Anniversary Expanded Edition - David Arnold
1. Stargate Overture (3:03)
2. Abduction (1:18)
3. Giza, 1928 (2:12)
4. Unstable (Film Version) (2:44)
5. The Coverstones (1:00)
6. Translation / In Case You Succeed (0:52)
7. Orion (Film Version) (1:30)
8. The Stargate Opens (3:58)
9. Send In The Probe (2:08)
10. You’re On The Team (1:57)
11. Entering The Stargate (Film Version) (3:00)
12. The Other Side (1:46)
13. Bomb Assembly (1:09)
14. Mastadge Drag (0:57)
15. The Mining Pit (1:34)
16. King Of The Slaves (Film Version) (1:21)
17. Caravan To Nagada (2:14)
18. The Eye Of Ra (0:41)
19. Daniel And Sha’uri (1:55)
20. Spread Out (1:52)
21. Skaara And Gun (0:44)
22. Symbol Discovery (1:13)
23. Sarcophagus Opens (With Choir) (0:58)
24. Daniel’s Mastadge (Film Version) (0:50)
25. Leaving Nagada (Film Version) (4:13)
26. Ra – The Sun God (Film Version) (3:22)
27. The Destruction Of Nagada (2:09)
CD1 Total Time - 51:11
CD 2: Score Presentation Continued
1. Myth, Faith, Belief (2:22)
2. Procession (1:45)
3. Slave Rebellion (1:02)
4. We Don’t Want To Die (2:00)
5. Execution (1:16)
6. The Kiss (0:38)
7. The Seventh Symbol (Extended Version) (1:19)
8. Against The Gods (0:35)
9. Quartz Shipment (1:31)
10. Battle At The Pyramid (Film Version) (5:27)
11. The Surrender (1:45)
12. Transporter Horror (1:49)
13. Kasuf Returns (3:07)
14. Going Home (3:10)
15. End Credits (1:13)
Total Score Time - 1:20:20
Additional Music
16. Unstable 2:11)
17. Orion 1:31)
18. The Stargate Opens (Alternate Excerpt) (1:16)
19. Entering The Stargate (2:58)
20. King Of The Slaves (1:17)
21. The Eye Of Ra (With Choir) (0:41)
22. Sarcophagus Opens (0:57)
23. Daniel’s Mastadge (0:50)
24. Leaving Nagada (4:11)
25. Ra – The Sun God (3:24)
26. Ra – The Sun God (Film Version Excerpt, No Choir) (2:16)
27. The Seventh Symbol (0:58)
28. Battle At The Pyramid (5:03)
29. End Credits (Alternate Take) (1:15)
Total Additional Music - 28:48
CD2 Total Time - 58:18
2-CD Total Time 1:49:29
Libellés :
15th Anniversary Collection,
David Arnold,
mardi 1 novembre 2022
DANCES WITH WOLVES Original Motion Picture Soundtrack ~ 25th Anniversary Expanded Edition - John Barry

1. Main Title / Looks Like a Suicide / Second Suicide Attempt (7:38)
2. Charge (1:04)
3. Ride to Fort Hays (2:08)
4. Journey to Fort Sedgewick / Shooting Star /
Arrival at Fort Sedgewick (4:57)
5. Ghosts (0:55)
6. Timmons Leaves (2:23)
7. Stranger in the Night (0:51)
8. Dead Deer in the River (0:53)
9. Smoke Signal / The Death of Timmons (3:54)
10. Two Socks – The Wolf Theme (1:36)
11. You There (1:02)
12. Preparations (1:23)
13. Bump on the Head (0:44)
14. Sioux Steal Cisco (0:58)
15. Spit and Polish (1:13)
16. The Village (1:18)
17. She’s Hurt (1:07)
18. Let Him Go / Kicking Bird Visits / Coffee Cups (1:37)
19. Stands With a Fist Remembers (2:14)
20. Another Visit / Kicking Bird’s Gift (2:48)
21. “Dunbar,” Not “Dumb Bear” (1:28)
22. Journey to the Buffalo Killing Ground (3:48)
23. Spotting the Herd (1:52)
24. The Buffalo Hunt / Smiles a Lot Is Saved (5:11)
25. Return From the Hunt / Never So Lonely (2:14)
26. Fire Dance (composed by Peter Buffett) (1:41)
27. Two Socks at Play (2:02)
28. I Like to Make the Talk / Falling in Love (3:06)
29. I Love Her (1:59)
30. Hand-Fed Jerky (1:11)
31. We Must Be Careful (The Love Theme) (3:58)
CD1 Total Time: 1:09:11
CD 2: The Film Score Continued
1. Pawnee Are Coming / Rifles / Pawnee / Pawnee Attack /
Stone Calf Dies / Toughest Pawnee Dies (8:22)
2. Victory (1:03)
3. The Wedding / The Busy Bee (3:14)
4. In My Own Time (0:46)
5. The Death of Cisco (2:17)
6. Wind in His Hair Goes Back (1:00)
7. Turned Injun (1:24)
8. I Am Dances With Wolves / Back to Fort Hays (1:37)
9. Goodbye Two Socks (2:12)
10. Rescue of Dances With Wolves / Sgt. Bauer Dies (3:16)
11. The Loss of the Journal and the Return to Winter Camp (2:12)
12. I Must Go / Only a Sioux (1:42)
13. Kicking Bird’s Gift (1:36)
14. Farewell and End Title (8:56)
Additional Music
15. Charge (alternate) (1:04)
16. Journey to Fort Sedgewick (alternate take) (2:04)
17. The John Dunbar Theme (2:20)
18. The Death of Timmons (alternate) (2:25)
19. Bump on the Head (alternate) (0:36)
20. Spotting the Herd (alternate 1) (1:52)
21. Spotting the Herd (alternate 2) (1:52)
22. The Buffalo Hunt (album version) (2:47)
23. Goodbye Two Socks (alternate) (2:09)
24. The Buffalo Hunt (alternate take) (4:35)
25. The John Dunbar Theme (2:08)
26. The John Dunbar Theme (with vocal slate) (2:33)
27. Kevin Costner in the Studio (0:35)
28. The John Dunbar Theme (radio promo mix) (3:42)
29. Dances With Wolves (radio promo mix) (5:13)
CD2 Total Time: 1:15:33
2-CD Total Time: 2:24:44
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